I just could not resist this. I might be biting off more than I can chew but after reading the entry titled “Would You Buy Your Kid a Video Game Console!?!” I knew I had to write my own thoughts. Here is what the blogger had to say:
I remember one time our neighbors were over and the topic of video games came up. They were unsure if they were going to treat their kids with a computer box of pointlessness. I immediately said “Don’t ever buy them or let them get a video game console”. WHY? Because after 14 years of playing video games I have learned NOTHING except for how to be a better video game player. If I could go back and erase any type of video game console from my life I honestly believe that I would become a smarter and more active person.
First it made me think. I have been playing video games for longer as this guy – on the PC and consoles combined. What have I learned? Faster and better reflexes? Interacting with other people? Strategy? Even simple math. Persistence perhaps.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I have learned NOTHING. Then again, he does have a point about being a more active person. I suppose it all boils down to how parents monitor and control the use of the video game consoles and computers. Just like anything else, moderation is the key.
How about you, would you buy your kids a video game console?